“He who
changes one person, changes the world entire”.Protestant
students from rural Kansas, discovered a Polish Catholic woman who saved Jewish
children. Few had heard of Irena Sendlerowa in 1999, now after 305
presentations of Life in a Jar, a web site, and world-wide media
attention, Irena is known to the world.Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project by Jack Mayer is a powerful story of a
Catholic woman who knocked on Jewish doors in the Warsaw ghetto and, in
Sendler's own words, "tried to talk the mothers out of their
children." Peformances at St. Louis, MO:
Cervantes Convention Center – November 22-24. A DVD and insert
study guide is available. The DVD also features Irena and the cast, a photo
album, and a Today Show segment. The DVD can be obtained freely or for
a donation.Contact
and information: nconard@terraworld.net; www.irenasendler.org.
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